With over 25 years of experience teaching firearms and 35+ years of shooting, we are uniquely qualified to provide the best firearms instruction you can find. From first time shooters to more advanced shooters looking to compete, we have a class for you.
Qualifications include CA POST (Police Officers Standards and Training) Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun Instructor, and Instructor Development Course. Additional certifications include NRA Pistol and Range Safety Officer, and CA DOJ.
Our lead instructor, Scott, has won 7 California State speed shooting titles, 5 West Coast championship titles, and was the 2015 CalGuns Dueling Tree overall match winner.
Shooting is not a natural skill. That being said, it is not difficult with proper instruction.
When you take a class with an instructor, you should expect to be trained by that instructor. You are not paying to someone press play on a video and walk away. We also believe that the subjects covered are too important to trust to online meeting platforms. All classes are taught in person. It is critical that you understand the information!

what training are you looking to for
All training is conducted on a private outdoor range. This allows us the flexibility to teach whatever skill set you need instruction on. This means we can teach many techniques that cannot be taught on public ranges, such as, drawing from a holster, shooting on the move, utilizing cover, accelerated shooting, close quarters, and low light shooting.

CCW Links
LA allows 3 listed firearms
Ventura allows 5 listed firearms
"I only need one firearm for my CCW."
True, however, you may only carry the firearms listed on your CCW permit. Having more than one handgun listed on your permit will allow you flexibility to change what you carry based on different factors: summer and winter months will affect they clothing you are wearing,
"I am only going to have small, sub-compact pistols listed on my permit."
We recommend having at least one full sized pistol listed on your permit. Anyone that has watched the news in the last year has seen how fast things can go bad. If that has already happened, you will appreciate having the ability to carry a full size pistol.